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Fatal idli: Man chokes to death during eating contest during Onam 2024

A 49-year-old man named Suresh died in Kerala’s Walayar after choking on idlis during an eating contest organised by a local club for Onam 2024 celebrations.
Bystanders tried to help by removing the idli and took him to a nearby hospital. But, he passed away shortly afterwards. The Walayar Police have registered a case of unnatural death.
“The deceased, Suresh, choked on the idlis while taking part in the competition and the onlookers tried to save him and somehow took out the idli,” PTI quoted the police as saying.
“Four people participated in the contest which had about 60 spectators. The contest was to eat plain idli without any dishes. While other participants started the contest by eating one idli, Suresh took three idlis at one go. Within a minute, he felt uneasiness and choking, and collapsed. We rushed him to a nearby clinic first and then to a private hospital in the vicinity. However, the doctors there declared him brought dead,” one of the eyewitnesses told The New Indian Express.
During Onam festivities in Alamaram, where locals were enjoying games and contests, Suresh — who worked as a lorry driver and lived with his mother — suddenly collapsed around midday. The incident shocked the community. Pudur ward’s panchayat member, P. B. Gireesh, mentioned that Suresh was known for being very active.
“The residents of Alamaram were holding various games and mini contests for the local people as part of the Onam celebrations when this tragic incident occurred. He collapsed around noon. He was working as a truck driver and living with his mother Kollapura Panchali,” Gireesh told the publication.
A man earlier choked after eating dry chia seeds and then drinking water, which caused the seeds to expand in his throat. To prevent such incidents, Dr Sermed Mezher advises soaking chia seeds in water or another liquid for about 20 to 30 minutes before consuming them, reported the Hindustan Times.
This allows the seeds to fully hydrate and expand outside the body, ensuring they are safe and offer the most health benefits when eaten.
